Remember For Me

“Why are you helping me?” The young woman shook her head, grit her teeth and muttered defiantly, “You wouldn’t help me if you knew who I was. You’re a Christian. You shouldn’t be seen with me. Do you know what I am?” She had wandered into the shelter I worked for, and like a majority of those we supported, her homelessness wasn’t surprising.

I knew her words were supposed to shock me. The paperwork in front of me boasted a career of not-so-upstanding choices in her 21 years of life. I knew what she was. I knew why she was homeless. I knew, and although some of her choices hurt my heart, nothing made me cry until she referenced my faith.

You wouldn’t help me…you’re a Christian.

“I know what it’s like to feel as if I would to do anything to keep my head above water. I know what it’s like to not trust anyone—least of all the woman in the mirror. I know what it’s like to forget my value as a precious creation of God because of people’s whispers as I walk by. I’m helping you because that’s why our shelter is here. I’m helping you because someone helped me restore my Christ-given identity once. I’m smiling now. I didn’t always.”

Moments later, she walked away from my desk to find her room and settle in. In the silence, all I could pray was, “I remember what it’s like today, Lord, but I don’t always. The longer my redemption exists, the harder it is to remember what it’s like to be spiritually blind and entirely scared. Thank you for the scars, Lord, but don’t let me forget You’re the reason those scars aren’t seeping wounds any longer.”

As our world falls further from God-given truth, may each of us be willing to not only come alongside the hurting, but allow them the knowledge that they’re not alone in their pain. In order to help them believe Jesus is the Trustworthy Healer, people need proof there were wounds in the first place. May we cling to our redemption in Jesus, but never forget what made us need him.

Those watching us live differently need us to remember.


Choosing to Endure


But It’s Unplanned!