Ignite 31:26

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

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Ignite Classes

Below is a list of current class offerings through the Ignite 31:26 program. If you are interested in hosting a class in your local church or district contact us at office@chariswomen.com

Building Foundations

Women in Scripture

Participants will explore God's perspective on women and wrestle with integrating this into their own value system. 

In order to do this, participants will explore both the Old and New Testaments to discover the various ways the image of God is represented in women, will embrace what God specifically says about women, and will recognize contemporary applications of these truths to life. 

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Principles of Effective Bible Study

Examines Bible study and interpretation skills applied to a teaching ministry. This interactive will introduce and apply foundational principles of effective Bible study that can be used for personal study and small group Bible study leadership. Hands-on activities and assignments will help develop observational skills of the English text. Participants will learn to apply hermeneutical principles to various biblical genres with the goal of interpreting the text based on its historical/cultural and literary context. Application of the meaning of the text for spiritual formation will be emphasized as well.  

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Essentials of Prayer 

Prayer may be seen as a mystery because it involves a relationship with Someone we cannot fully understand. This interactive explores what the Bible teaches about the purpose of prayer, the role of prayer for the believer, how prayer unites God’s people, and key understandings of prevailing prayer. Experiential opportunities for prayer will help reinforce key concepts and serve as models for an effective prayer life. 


Spiritual Formation 

This interactive gives participants the opportunity to specify and articulate some of the crucial avenues that lead the Christian toward greater intimacy with the Lord and greater maturity in the Christian walk. Our time together will emphasize the role of the Gospel in ongoing spiritual formation by promoting a sense of relational Christianity (as opposed to a performance-based Christianity). This relational Christianity is focused on appropriating Truth and yielding to the Spirit in love. The goal is for participants to grow in the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God, two essential components for spiritual maturity. The role of the body of Christ will be explored, setting spiritual maturity in its proper relational context of community. 

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Basics of Soul Care

This class will examine the importance of caring for our own soul. We'll explore how applying God's truth in the midst of life's challenges can keep your soul strong and healthy.  Since pain is an inevitable part of this world, we will work to develop a theology of suffering, understanding how God uses pain as part of the spiritual formation process. Instead of running from it, trying to numb it, or pray it away, we will begin to ask the question of what God may be up to in our lives as we process through pain. This class will also address the value of inviting others to pour into us. 

Inspiring Service

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Biblical Foundations of Leadership 

This interactive will discuss how to develop a philosophy of ministry and expose participants to organization and administration principles of effective leadership. We will look at the life of Jesus to learn from Him as the Master Teacher, Leader and Discipler. Together we will explore Scripture to see how leaders address heart issues in the lives of people they serve. Leadership from a biblical perspective will be countercultural and seek to reinforce living in light of Kingdom values. Each participant will have the opportunity to assess her own strengths and weaknesses as a leader, allowing this process to improve her leadership by being more strategic and surrendered.  

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Relational Skills for Ministry 

How do we handle the various types of relationship challenges that come our way? Leaders, especially, find themselves seeking to minister to a wide variety of people, while at the same time dealing with their own emotions and human nature. This interactive will examine our call to be ministers of reconciliation in this world and the practical application of biblical principles involved. We will explore the balance between grace and truth in our relationships and will discuss approaches to resolving conflicts and building up the body of Christ. 


Equipping Others for Ministry 

Equipping others for ministry is a part of our calling from God (Eph. 4:11-13). But how do we work with others so we reach maturity together? This interactive will help you see that ministry is not just about doing the ministry yourself but teaching others to join you in various arenas of ministry. You will learn about God’s equipping ministry in your own life and be challenged to imitate His methods of entrusting others with redemptive work through His Spirit. We will explore various methods of equipping others, including mentoring, coaching and modeling, and will address the challenges of recruiting, training and retaining volunteers or key staff members.  

 Additional classes are being developed and will be added as completed.